Locks and door locks, specifically, are one of those areas that have been ripe for innovation for a while. The locks used on modern doors are very like what might have been used 10, 20, 50, 100 years ago. There has been very little innovation in the space for some time. However, the Samsung Digital Lock has emerged to challenge the status quo of the traditional door lock. Of course, like any other lock, there are pros and cons to purchasing and installing one for your home.
This is a decision each individual homeowner will need to weigh, measure and decide on their own. The purpose of this article is to present to you the different ways in which a Samsung Digital Lock can be a great addition to your home. Or if the cons outweigh the positive aspects for you, then at least you are better informed and able to decide.
What Is A Digital Lock?
You can likely guess from the description, but the truth is more diverse than you think. Samsung Smart Locks come in three varieties like Mortise/Handle Type, Deadbolt and RIM/No Handle.
The Mortise or Handle type –
Usually involves a lock code that you enter on the keypad before being allowed to open the handle.
Deadbolt –
Types mix the age old locking mechanism with a digital keypad, meaning you need to enter a code as well as a key of some kind.
RIM locks –
Are installed on the front of and behind a door, the locking mechanism is outside of the door, rather than inside the door frame.
The Benefits Of Installing A Samsung Digital Lock
There is no need for a key with most digital locks. And for the types that do have the need for a key (deadbolt type), then they also require a lock code or other means of gaining access. Most criminals can pick most locks, and this is a very real danger in Singapore. What’s also interesting is to consider the psychology of the criminal. If they are choosing who to try and rob, they are generally going to pick the easiest target. They make even take one look at your door’s digital lock and decide it is not worth the trouble.
No Need For Keys
Undoubtedly, you are sick of carrying around a big set of keys. Everyone is. It’s an archaic need that deserves to be erased. And slowly this is happening. By reducing the number of keys, you need to carry or keep track of, you are less likely to lose them or have them stolen.
Greater Control
In a corporate setting, you can restrict who can enter which parts of a building. If you deal with confidential or sensitive information, this can be vitally important, and possibly a requirement. If you are sharing a house, as many people might need to in Singapore, you could restrict who has access to your room by only giving the code to people you truly trust. It’s also much safer than leaving a key under the mat if you ever need family or friends to house sit for you.
They Look Great
Samsung Door Locks look amazing. Simple as that, they have been designed by world class professionals who take real pride in their work. The design philosophy of Samsung shines through in the modern, sleek, and user-friendly aesthetic of these locks. They have specifically been created to be as simple and easy to use as possible, anyone should have no issue working these locks.
Ease Of Use For Elderly Or Disabled People
How easy these are to use is exactly why they are also so great for elderly or disabled people. For people who might have health issues that prevent them from easily using keys will have no trouble using digital locks.
Automatic Locking
Samsung Digital Locks come with automatic locking features. If you have ever had that gut wrenching, heart-dropping feeling when you have left home and realised you forgot to lock the door, then you will be grateful for this feature. Everyone loves the peace of mind when leaving your home secure every time, no matter how bad your memory might happen to be.
Guessing The Code
It is possible, however unlikely, that an intruder may guess the code you have used. Sometimes they may be able to guess by looking at the smudges visible on the lock. Or perhaps you have not used a secure code. In this case, you can easily defeat this by doing two things. Don’t use a common code, don’t use birthdays or anniversaries or other common dates they could easily learn. And secondly, keep your Lock clean!
It Is Easy To Get Locked Out
Memory is an important thing to keep in mind. Puns aside, with the amazing and ease of an automatic locking system, comes also the risk that you might be locked out if you have forgotten your code. We all have done it, even with codes we have used a thousand times. There are ways to try and minimise this, but every time you write down your code, you are putting yourself at risk.
Power Failure
Most systems do come with battery backup systems that act as a fail-safe in the event of a power outage. However, it is not impossible for your lock to lock incorrectly or not at all should the worst-case scenario of a power failure occur.
The fact of the matter is that Digital Locks are expensive. Even the most basic model can begin at SGD$500 or so. And the upper-end models can be worth a thousand plus. Bearing this in mind, replacing every lock in your house with digital locks may not be viable for everyone. If that is the case, it may be worth only investing in them for the front door if you believe it a prudent decision for you.
Armed with this knowledge, when deciding on what lock is right for protecting your house, you will be able to decide from a more well-informed state of mind. By reviewing this list of the benefits and drawbacks of a Samsung Digital Lock, you will be able to make the right decision for your family.